R&G Racing ATV Quad Heated Grips
Our Price: £49.21
AVAILABLE TO ORDER | Estimated dispatch in 2-4 daysThis item will be ordered with our supplier and usually arrives to us within 2-4 days.

As soon as we receive the goods, they will be quality checked and dispatched to you within the same day.

If there are any unexpected delays, we will notify you immediately.
Quick Code: HGATV1
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Heated grips add months to your off-road riding or urban quad riding seasons and add comfort to almost any ride. Specially developed for Quad bikes with thumb throttles these heated grips come from our award winning range of motorcycle heated grips developed to the same exacting standards and high quality finish with easy to install and robust electronics along with 5 different heat settings controllable at the touch on one bottom for no hassle operation. Heat up to 35 °C in only 2 minutes and then up to 60 °C depending on heat setting selected.